Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Fantasy - Volume One

It's been really difficult to find time in the middle of all the ongoing editing gigs to find time to write. My head is often overflowing with Other People's Stuff, but I absolutely adore what I do so there's that. But thanks to an ass-kicking from a very dear friend (who kicks HARD!!) I came to realize if I don't make time to write my own stuff, well, it's just not going to get written.

So, I've modified my schedule to include time set aside for my own work. While I work on the sequel to Athena's Promise (titled "Athena's Chains"), I've decided to release four volumes of some of my shorter works. Each volume will include some new fiction, some old fiction, and teasers for "Chains". I'm really happy to announce The Fantasy - Volume One is available now from Amazon, with three more volumes to follow over the next few weeks:

The Funny - Volume Two
The Horror - Volume Three
The Heart - Volume Four

I'm really excited about this. So excited I might have peed a little. Hey, it happens. Don't pretend it's never happened to you.

It's really too easy to get stuck in a rut and tell yourself you don't have time for this or that, whatever your passion might be. The truth is, you have to make time, because it goes by all too fast and then, it's months (or even years!) later and you wonder just exactly where all that time went. I don't want to make that mistake anymore.

Hopefully, after the four volumes are completed and done, "Athena's Chains" will be close to ready, and then I have a few more projects in mind before the last in the Aegian Trilogy, "Athena's Release", is published. I know it's an ambitious goal, but I figure if I shoot for the stars and end up in the mud, at least I tried. Life is too damned short to sit on the sidelines and watch the parade go by. I want to be up front with the big fuzzy hat and the long stick, marching my ass off.

In the meantime, check out The Fantasy and if you like it (or even if you don't!) please leave a review or click the "Like" button. We indies rely on word of mouth since we don't have a monster budget or heavy hitters behind us, so every little bit helps. Tell your family, your friends, your neighbors (but maybe not that creepy guy with the weird glasses) and anyone else you can think of who might love some twisted, slightly disturbing, and quirky-type stories. I'll love you even if you don't, but I'll love you harder if you do :)

Thanks! Updates as they happen.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

An Open Letter To Nathan Fillion

Dear Nathan,

I have loved you deeply, hopelessly, since the  days of Firefly. I'm sure you must be sick of hearing that (or maybe not – love is love, no matter how demented and twisted) but it's the truth. I have the season on DVD and a copy of Serenity. I can also watch you on Netflix on my Kindle Fire from bed, but we better not go there or I won't finish this letter.

And then, there's Dr. Horrible. You're not exactly a Big Damned Hero there, are you? Maybe that was a foreshadowing of things to come.  But still, not only do you look absolutely yummy, you display an intoxicating sense of humor I find irresistible. As in "OMG, I have to get in bed with my Kindle Fire!" irresistible. When you started your gig as Richard Castle, in spite of my abhorrence of ABC's series (with the exception of "Revenge", because that really appeals to my sense of justice – don't be nervous – and "Once Upon A Time" because of Rumple) I followed you there, too. After all, you play a dashing, handsome, and funny writer. And I follow you on Twitter. Some may look at this as a type of stalking.  I prefer to think of it as being a devoted fan.

However, this debacle with the Bloggess has forced me to evaluate our long distance love affair. Oh, it's true – I've flirted with Adam Levine, but he's just a boy when compared to your manliness. My heart has always belonged to you. But when I learned the Bloggess (who is a Goddess of the Funny whereas I'm just a Goddess-In-Training) asked you for a small favor involving twine for over a year and was totally ignored, I had to question just exactly how committed you were to our relationship.

(He's just waiting  to take your spot, Nathan. Yeah, Adam wants some Netta-love.)

Nater-Tater, (that is a brilliant nickname from the Bloggess, except I now have a strangely erotic reaction to potatoes) I am truly disappointed in you. All the poor woman wanted was a picture of you holding twine to stave off the Evil Marketers who stalk her. I figured, of course Nater-Tater would do this! He's a Big Damned Hero! He loves his demented devoted fans! He knows he would be nowhere today without their adulation!                                        

But you didn't.

Others had to step up where you did not. People like Penn Jillette, and Jeri Ryan, and Wil Wheaton. People like Simon Pegg and Brian Boitano, for the love of Baby Jeebus. THOSE are Big Damned Heroes, Nater-Tater. Though I will say, this whole thing led to a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon – which not only makes him cool, it makes him sexy. And I NEVER thought anything would do that.

Those are people who appreciate the funneh, people who remember what their fans have done for them. My defense of your action (or more specifically, NON-ACTION) has weakened because I'm feeling like you just don't care. And that has broken my heart into a million pieces.

I'm sure you have your reasons. Like your quote when asked about it – "I just don't do those kinds of things." Jeezuz wept, Nater-Tater, I don't get this at all. There are pictures of your bare ass all over the internet! Would one lousy picture of you holding an innocuous piece of twine really kill you? Especially if it made people happy? Really?


It's probably too late to fix this with a picture, but you could try. You could reclaim your status as my Number One Obsession, because I'm sure you're feeling as heartbroken as I am over our rift. You can still Do The Right Thing, whether it's with twine, a spatula, or a spoon. Or even an emery board. If you don't have an emery board, ask the makeup person. I'm sure they have one. Or, if you give me your home address, I can deliver one personally.

*sigh* For years, you have been my Big Damned Hero. Now I have to look for another one. It won't be easy, because you leave big shoes to fill. So, you can cancel that restraining order, because you won't need it anymore. I am still in love with Capt. Reynolds; I still adore the crew of the Serenity, but you, Nathan Fillion, are on my shit list, as much as it pains me to say that and probably pains you to hear it.

In closing, Nater-Tater, we are over. I have to face the fact even though it has been my dying wish (well, I'm not dying, exactly, but eventually I will) to receive a Tweet from you, it is now crystal clear I will never get it. I am now transferring that wish to Adam. Please mark your records accordingly.

In true disappointment,

Your Former Love Slave

P.S. I still retain the right to sleep with Mal Reynolds at night. You can't take that away from me!